Saturday, March 19, 2016

Wot!!.. No Egg??!

By Andrea Wren
One of the first things that anyone who is curious about vegan baking wonders, is what do you use instead of eggs?

It certainly seems to be the thing that baffles most people when it comes down to experimenting with vegan baking.

Of course, vegan baking is more than being just egg-free, it's also dairy-free (no butter or milk) and otherwise animal-derivative free (no gelatine or honey, for example).

And because I'm keen to show that vegan baking is as easy as making warm, home-baked apple pie, I've put together 'Wot, No Eggs?! The Beginner's Guide To Becoming An Expert Vegan Baker' especially for you!

This is a FREE 16 PAGE ebook which sets out to de-mystify vegan baking, and provide you with valuable insider tips, information on how to repace eggs and dairy, as well as recipes and resources.

All you have to do to claim my book is sign up with your email below, hit the GO button, and after activating your subscription, the download of my ebook will be sent to your inbox!

Download : The Beginner's Guide To Becoming An Expert Vegan Baker
التاجر الخبز الفرَّانُ

"خذ الحكمة ولو من فهم البهآئم"

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