Friday, March 18, 2016

The Homemade Bread Cookbook

Book Description
Bread is a basic food prepared by cooking water and dough of flour and potentially other ingredients. Doughs are generally baked in the Western world and several other countries. In other cuisines, bread is fried, steamed or baked on a hot skillet. It can be unleavened or leavened too. Salt, leavening agents and fat like baking soda and yeast are basic ingredients. Bread may also have other ingredients like egg, sugar, milk, spice, fruit like raisins, nuts like walnuts, vegetables like onion and seeds like poppy seeds. Bread is among the oldest prepared foods in the world, dating back hundreds of years. Leavened bread can also be traced back to prehistoric periods. Download this ebook full of bread history, tips, facts and recipes today!
Download Free Ebook : The Homemade Bread Cookbook
التاجر الخبز الفرَّانُ

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